Minimum number of swaps required to make an array sorted


swap means removing any element from the array and appending it to the back of the same array. Given an array of integers find the minimum number of swaps needed to sort the array.

[gist ]


Example :

A[3]=  3 , 2 , 1

B[3]= 1, 2, 3

i=0 j=0


So swap ++ ( Whenever you increment assume that A[i] is removed and appended at the end )


Now i=1 j=0


So swap++


Now i=2 j=0


Now j++

i == n now and hence break the loop

No. of swaps = 2

There is a temple, whose premises have a garden and a pond. It has 4 idols, each of Ram, Shiv, Vishnu and Durga. The priest plucks x flowers from the garden and places them in the pond. The number of flowers doubles up, and he picks y flowers out of them and goes to offer it to Lord Ram. By the time he reaches to the pond, he finds the remaining flowers also have doubled up in the meantime, so he again picks up y from the pond and goes to Lord Shiv.This process is repeated till all the Gods have y flowers offered to them, such that in the end no flower is left in the pond. Find x and y.


Let initial flowers=x
dey get double up that is nw we get 2x
let y flowers be offered to GOD 1
remaining are 2x-y which doubled that is 4x-2y
again y flowers offered to GOD 2
remainin are 4x-3y which doubled again that is 8x-6y
again y flowers offered to GOD 3
remainin are 8x-7y which doubled again that is 16x-14y
again y flowers offered to GOD 4
remainin are 16x-15y

no flowers should b left after
therefore 16x-15y=0
–> x/y=15/16

so x=15 n y =16 atleast

15*2=30,16 offer to god1
14*2=28,16 offer to god2
12*2=24,16 offer to god3
8*2=16,16 offer to god4
0 left

Given an array of length N containing integers between 1 and N, determine if it contains any duplicates in O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity


Since we cannot use extra space, take advantage of the fact that the array has elements only from 1 to n
and there are n elements in the array(index ranges from 0 to n-1)
So if 1 occurs make value at 0th index negative
if 2 occurs make the value at 1st index negative
if n occurs make the value at n-1th index negative
So if the same number occurs again then the value at that number index will be found negative already and
voila !Thus we found a way finding repeating number.
traverse the list for i= 0 to n-1 elements
check for sign of A[abs(A[i])] ;
if positive then
make it negative by A[abs(A[i])]=-A[abs(A[i])];
else // i.e., A[abs(A[i])] is negative
this element (ith element of list) is a repetition

Insert in a circular sorted linklist

using namespace std;
struct node
int data;
struct node *next;
struct node* createNewNode(int data){
struct node* nn=new struct node();
return nn;
struct node* sortedInsert(node *head,int data){
struct node* newNode=createNewNode(data);
struct node* current=head;
if(current==NULL){//if the circular LL is empty
else if(current->data>=newNode->data){// if newNode has to be inserted before the head
else{//if the newNode has to be inserted somewhere inbetween the list
return head;
void printList(struct node *start)
struct node *temp;
if(start != NULL)
temp = start;
do {
cout<<temp->data<<" ";
temp = temp->next;
} while(temp != start);
int main()
struct node *head = NULL;
for(int i = 6; i>0; i--)
return 0;

Move the spaces to the starting of the string in a c style string. In place within one iteration.


Start two pointers i & j from the end of the string.

a. Keep copying the character from ith location to the jth location and decrement both i & j
b. When i encounters a space, decrement i, but not j
c Repeat steps a & b until i falls of the beginning of the string.
d. Keep setting ‘space’ character at jth location and decrement j unitl j falls of the beginning of the string

Sorting an array of 0’s , 1’s and 2’s


Given an array A[] consisting 0s, 1s and 2s, write a function that sorts A[]. The functions should put all 0s first, then all 1s and all 2s in last.

Input = {0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1};
Output = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2}

The problem was posed with three colours, here `0′, `1′ and `2′. The array is divided into four sections:

  1. a[1..Lo-1] zeroes (red)
  2. a[Lo..Mid-] ones (white)
  3. a[Mid..Hi] unknown
  4. a[Hi+1..N] twos (blue)

Three flags should be used for pointing the last of 0, the last of 1, and the first of 2.


The unknown region is shrunk while maintaining these conditions

  1. Lo := 1; Mid := 1; Hi := N;
  2. while Mid <= Hi do
    1. Invariant: a[1..Lo-1]=0 and a[Lo..Mid-1]=1 and a[Hi+1..N]=2; a[Mid..Hi] are unknown.
    2. case a[Mid] in
      • 0: swap a[Lo] and a[Mid]; Lo++; Mid++
      • 1: Mid++
      • 2: swap a[Mid] and a[Hi]; Hi–



Swapping every pair of nodes in a single linked list


Provided n1->n2->n3->n4->n5
in general for each pair starting with n
have a temp variable that will keep copy of reference to

Consider the link list n1->n2->n3->……

and n=n1             //temp=n2          //

Now move n to
Repeat the same for next pair.but we have to link previous pair with the current pair
Which will have previous pairs 2nd element ? its
So make

Thats it!!


Also you can swap the pairs by just swapping the value.That is way too simple.Look at the 2nd function
Source code:
